Source Code


P: Prostitutes
I: In

M: My

P: Possession

A Person Who Markets Prostitutes

Alex: "Yo Foo! Remember That Pimp?"

Daniel: "Oh Yea He Pimp Slapped Me Ferr Not Payinqq!"

Alex: "Damnn Foo!"

by Amyyy;; January 23, 2010

4👍 35👎


A Word That MySpace Dorks Use To Say "Yo! Comment My Picture? Ill Return The Favor!"

As In 'Picture Comment For Picture Comment'.

Lana: "Hey! Amy! Pc4Pc? Ill Return The Favor?!"

Amy: "Ohkaii!"

Lana: "Thankss!!!"

by Amyyy;; January 23, 2010

8👍 3👎