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Today me and my other fellow 8 th graders closed our books to the holocaust and this is my definition I came up with.
A word that can never be forgotten. An act of war against mainly Jewish, homosexuals, romas (gypsies) and ones with special needs. Millions were shipped to ghettos such a Warsaw and lodz but were later sent to concentration camps and killing centers such a aushwitz and treblinka. Not many survived the Holocaust as many were shot to death and thrown into piles which moved for days and other were gased with Zyclon B in large "showers" or we're sent on death marches and died. All had harsh endings. I can't tell you all of it even though I want to. Only about a couple thousand survived my heros

During the Holocaust Hitler and his fellow Nazis killed millions of Jewish people.

by An8thgrader March 25, 2014

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