Source Code


A satirical parody wiki founded in 2005 by Stillwaters and Chronarion and currently hosted by Wikia. It is on the whole tamer and less offensive than the Encyclopedia Dramatica.

Uncyclopedia is one of the funniest websites around.

by AnOnYmOuS15 December 1, 2007

285👍 157👎


The act of hiding your last units in an RTS game after being practically defeated, in an attempt to frustrate your opponent, possibly into resigning.

It took me half an hour to finally beat him, due to his persistant roaching.

by AnOnYmOuS15 July 14, 2008

8👍 12👎


Popes is a hidden place on the tracks in Midway, Chicago. Teens go here to drink and party when there are no other moves. Summer is the time for Popes as it is always nice out. The chances of you finding where this place is are low, but it has been used with high schoolers for years.

“Aye Popes@8?” - Person #1
“Hell yeah text everyone.” - Person #2

by AnOnYmOuS15 December 27, 2019


The super epic thing that has not just a vagina but boobs, ass, legs, hair, and soft skin. WHAT ALL'S I GOT IS A DICK.....NOT FAIR.....

P.S. I am a guy

I LOVE DAH LADIES...so shut up you masturbating skanks or else you are gonna be stuck masturbating for the rest of your life!!!

Women rule the earth and should enslave the men...DONE!!!...

by AnOnYmOuS15 May 2, 2012

17👍 67👎


Midway is a neighborhood on the southwest side of Chicago. It is mostly composed of whites and mexicans and the two parts that make up the area are Garfield Ridge and Clearing. Most nights, all midway kids do are drink on the tracks or at Valley if someone’s not throwing at their house. Midway kids party the hardest and here you will meet the coolest people on the planet. Mt.Greenwood, Beverly, and Orland kids think it’s the ghetto, but it’s really not.

Midway Kids: “Wtm tonight?”
“We’re heading to Valley or Stripes if (blanks) house doesn’t work out.”

by AnOnYmOuS15 December 15, 2018


A group consisting of people too weird even for the furry fandom... if that's physically possible.

Man, I hope I don't meet any of those otherkin at Anthrocon.

by AnOnYmOuS15 December 1, 2007

169👍 227👎


A selective free wiki hosting service (or wiki farm) originally known as WikiCities and founded in late 2004 by Jimbo Wales and Angela Beesley. Large wikis it hosts include Wookieepedia (a Star Wars encyclopedia), World of Warcraft Wiki, Marvel Database Project, Memory Alpha (a Star Trek wiki), an Everquest II wiki, and Uncyclopedia, a satirical parody wiki.

I am an admin of a wiki on Wikia.

by AnOnYmOuS15 December 1, 2007

55👍 41👎