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(adj - slang)
Middle aged spread.

I've had that many posh dinners I've got the DuncanCampbells round my waist!

by AnOnymous September 1, 2003

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Never buys a round

Don`t go to the pub with him, he duncancampbells

by AnOnymous August 28, 2003


The ultamate in Yahoo insults, also known as the great one.


by AnOnymous February 21, 2003

wizards sleeve

Emma Paradises undercarridge

"Jesus that Emma Paradise is a bit baggy down stairs her mott is like a wizards sleeve!"

by AnOnymous September 15, 2003

4πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


a racist pig who like to put other people down to compinsate for his bad qualities.

stupid konesci

by AnOnymous April 4, 2003


suck balls fucker dick man dick it is in yo mouth yo momma

by AnOnymous March 5, 2003

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Pound Sand

"The origin of the expression go pound sand is from a longer expression, not to know (have enough sense to) pound sand down a rathole. Filling rat holes with sand is menial work, and telling someone to pound sand down a hole is like telling them to go fly a kite. The expression dates to at least 1912 and is common in the midwestern United States."

by AnOnymous October 31, 2003

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