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WARNING, this is biased, very very biased, you have been warned, hush your face.

Likely very smart to a ridiculous degree, with some spectacular insight that you will not see coming especially if you have a bonkers off the wall adhd brain like mwah. It’s stupid, and sometimes I want to say that he’s stupid when I’m miffed but then I would be a bold faced fucking liar.

Otherwise, to keep this short, the below could very well sum the energy of the Thomas in your life quite well;

*hangs up hat*
Narrator: The FBI kept tabs on him constantly, worried that he’s a communist

*via text*
Me: Thomas, if you’re trying to make me say ‘I’m bad at tech,’ it’s not gunna work. <— (is awful at tech)
The Thomas in question: hehehehaw

by AnUnravelingUnknown June 28, 2023


The silliest goofus who tells funny stories with the most gorgeous blue eyes you will ever lay eyes on and laughter like sunshine incarnated.

He’s also hella the fuck smart, like *hello-??* He’s one of the most insightful folks you will meet in the history of ever, especially if you have a bonkers off the wall adhd brain like mwah.
Slightly anti-social though, and by slightly I mean extremely and by extremely I mean *holy shit*

Me: I might have a slight crush on Thomas
My beloved bsf: *looks me dead in the eyes* do not be a biscuithead, THIS-

by AnUnravelingUnknown June 24, 2023


An anti-social fellow who has definitely been called "Thomas the Train" a good number of times in his life and yet strives on 'cause he's so goddamn smart, like hello who gave him the *right-*

"Hey Thomas! How are you?"
"How aren't I?"

by AnUnravelingUnknown April 5, 2023