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When you have an ear fetish... Or when you have stuck your penis in someones ear during sex.
Background: My friend Nikko ear fucked a girl...

OMG! Yucca?! Does her ear hurt.

by Andrew Burkett August 30, 2004

9👍 22👎


Chronic Pussy Farts.
When you fart out your vagina alot.

That bitch always stinks, she must have a severe case of CPF!

by Andrew Burkett August 30, 2004

30👍 29👎


In Marijuana culture, Neighbors is the term used to be placed next in line to hit the pipe/joint/bong/blunt, Only used once right before you spark up.

Me: I got greens
Anyone: I got neighbors
You: I got neighbors neighbor

by Andrew Burkett August 30, 2004

53👍 43👎


When a girl has big titties, and you ask to touch them...
Has to be said quite fast

Hey bitch, lemecoppafeel....

by Andrew Burkett August 30, 2004

10👍 2👎