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Brandon's are 1 of a kind. They are funny, outgoing, & super sexy- with a personality to match. Brandons wit is always on point- he has a smartass comeback for every scenario that may get thrown at them. Brandons are always real. Sometimes they may come off as an ass, but it's just in their nature to always tell the truth. Brandon's eyes are captivating.. Enough so to get lost in! Brandon's not only have a gorgeous face, but also a deep, beautiful soul to match. Although Brandon's are extremely loyal friends and lovers they tend to be a bit flirty. Moreso than their spouse can appreciate. When I met Brandon, I knew I'd found my soulmate, in turn I began to believe in love at first sight. Brandon's high level of intelligence tends to clash with his silly personality, causing people to underestimate him. My Brandons a freak in bed- He's a big fan of dirty talk and roleplay. He is ABSOLUTELY the best lover I've ever had.. He is a very strong, manly man, whom is amazing in bed. I'm talking make your eyes roll back & your toes curl kind a kinky. Brandon's are beyond perfect. If you get lucky enough to score yourself a Brandon-- Hang onto him! Women are drawn to him, so if you don't treat him like your King there will always be a thot in the background praying to take your place. Therefore, never take a Brandon for granted, because there isn't another on Earth like him! PSA -- Stay away from my Brandon, because you cannot have him! Dat ass is MINE!!!

You're such a Brandon.
Brandon, I get lost in your gorgeous eyes.

by AngLovesBran January 18, 2020

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