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A website for wannabe 11-year-old writers where they are forced to use side images to help the reader understand the simplest of descriptions because the writers are wholly incapable of using such basic adjectives as "big" and "blue". It's like all the bad parts of FFN decided to get together and have babies; horrible grammar and bad plots abound in this little corner of the Internet because the "authors" write down the first thing that half-forms in their minds and refuse to do something so fundamental and elementary as spell-check.

One could assume that most of the "authors" are American-born, only speak English, but have some rare disease that ties there fingers in knots and ad holds down the shift key as they slam their stubby fingers into the "1" key or forward slash (the overuse of punctuation is ridiculous.)

Person 1: "What is Wattpad?"
Person 2: "Worse than Fan Fiction dot Net, that's for sure."

by AngelAxexinf July 25, 2014

49👍 129👎