A small shitty school in Derry, New Hampshire. It is known for holding all the young druggies of Derry. Kids are constantly expelled and suspended for writing on bathroom stalls, or smoking shit in the bathrooms. All the teachers there couldn't care less about there students. There principal Mr Gerefalo is a huge piece of scum and the fakest piece of shit around. Hood is also known for shutting down every fucking winter because of pipe breaks. Because the school is too poor and shitty to fix them it happens every fucking year. Each grade has there own wing where about 240 kids are shoved into one fucking hallway. About 10 fights a day go on in each grade. Kids will come to school high half the time and if they don't they'll leave high because of the supply of pot underneath the bathroom sinks that "no one" knows about. This school is also known for its shitty pep rallies and horrible spirit days. They also offer two languages. Spanish and German. Even though German is a fucking useless language and you will barely learn anything in Spanish. They also have several sports teams but no one would recommend trying out for a team because of the shitty coaches. No team has ever won any title for hood. They also have a giant ass field for sports but its rarely ever used. Overall this school is a waste of space and a shitty building that's falling apart and will take down 520 miserable druggies and 400 dogass teachers.
"hood middleschool fucking sucks"
"Yah I know dude.. Wanna go smoke in the bathroom?"
"Yah there should still be some kush under the sink"
4👍 3👎