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A strange and frightening ritual performed by 12-16 year old n00bs online and at LANs that, in many cases, dates back further than the n00bs taking part in it.

In this strange ritual the 12-16 year old n00bs play a primitive form of computer game called 'counterstrike' they break in to two teams named the 'terrorists' and the 'counter terrorists' and attempt to achieve the objective while the other team tries top stop them.

To add to the mystery of this primitive ritual all players in the game spout some form of intangible language that cannot be understood by an outside observer. It is not uncommon to hear such phrases as "i pwnzed j00" "j00 sux0r j00 fkn n00b" "j00 fkn ch34t ill pwnx0r j00r base j00 fkn n00b" and "1 r t3h 1337357!111!!!!11!!1".

When not in the act of playing counterstrike these n00bs hang out in IRC channels where they practice their ancient language and flame anyone who enters from a rival team or clan. If you were to ever join one of these channels you would almost instantly have your sexuality challenged, as this is the biggest insult in the '1337' language.

terrorist: h34d5h0t!1!!!1 j00 R pwnd n00b D13!!!!!1!!
counter terrorist: j00 a1m bot u51ng ch437 n00b, 1 ownx0r j00 b0x0r 1 fkn k1ll j00 n00b
terrorist: 5|-|u7 |_| j00 f4g j00 g0t pwnd!!!
counter terrorist: Ya Mum

by AngryLiam March 15, 2005

167πŸ‘ 162πŸ‘Ž


Also see Hitlermart
A chain of German supermarkets, owned by Hitler to infiltrate other countries with the goal of eventually taking over the world.

"Aldi - Where the prices are cheap because we use slave labour and make our products out of concentration camp left overs"

by AngryLiam March 15, 2005

44πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž

your father

1) A variation on the insult Your Mother. Can be more successful than your mother because when used right can also question a mans sexuality.

2) An equally as witty comeback for Your Mother

Also see your matt

person 1: Hey, You suck
person 2: your mother
person 1: no, your father
person 2: you suck
person 1: No, your matt

by AngryLiam March 16, 2005

16πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


An alternate name for the 'Aldi' chain of supermarkets that are used to invade other countries through non-military means and hijack the local economy

"Welcome to Aldi, come for the low prices, stay for the genocide"

by AngryLiam March 14, 2005

43πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Angry Parent Rock

Angry Parent Rock, as it is deceptively called, actually has nothing to do with rock. It has a lot to do with screaming whiney bastards yelling about how angry they are at their parents. This style of music has been made popular by such bands as Linkin Park.
Angry parent rock originated when stupid band members were finally allowed to write their own songs by their agents and managers. These band members, having the brain power of a 92 year old that has been dead for the last ten years, ended up writing an album or in some cases two or three with all songs consisting of no more than two chords and vocals with a mildly abrasive voice saying how disappointed he was in his father.

song writer 1: hey what if we did a song and the guitar went 'BAAAAAAAAA' then 'WAAAAAAAAA' 'WAAAAAAAA' then back into a 'BAAAAAA'
song writer 2: yeah that is sooooo cool and ill sing "FATHER YOU MAKE ME ANGRY. WHY WONT YOU DIE AND BURN!!!!"
song writer 1: (crying) oh why won't father support my music career.

by AngryLiam March 16, 2005

68πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

fornicating stick

1) A stick used in sexual intercourse, whether consensual or non-consensual. The fornicating stick is most commonly used in orifices such as the anus and ear.

2) A metaphoric stick with which people are 'raped' with by being badly beaten in a computer game.


1) deeper.. deeper.. too deep! too deep! owww my hearing

2) Dude you got owned, with a stick!!!
now bend over so i may fornicate you.

by AngryLiam March 15, 2005

12πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Linkin park.

One of the latest pop sensations. Linkin park are not dissimilar to other boy bands like the backstreet boys. All of their songs are about their parents in one way or another and how they are so angry at them. Their genre has been called such things as rock metal rap ect, however they have started a reasonably new genre called angry parent rock because all they do is scream about their parents.

The fans of these bands 14 year old skanks and boys of all ages because they think its hardcore alternative shit. In defense of liking this utter tripe they say things like 'each to their own' and "if you donҀ™t like it shut the fuck up" This is expected from Linkin Park fans because it is generic and they have no mind of their own just like the band they blindly worship.

Linkin Park Singer: I AM ANGRRRRY AT MYYY PARENTS!!!!!!!!!!
Linkin Park fan: You fucking rock! I said fuck! i listen to linkin park! I am the most hardcore badass dude in teh world!!!
human being: why dont you just dance along to 'hit me baby one more time'

by AngryLiam March 15, 2005

122πŸ‘ 195πŸ‘Ž