A copyright pig is a common species of bitchass nigga that abuses copyright for its own gain/profit. its copyrighted works are usually derivative and unoriginal, despite this it acts like it invented the thing it copyrighted and will DMCA anyone who dares try anything similar to it. the Copyright pig loves fan art, it sees fan art as another opportunity to make quick cash off of small creators. it achieves this by sending in an army of pale underweight gremlins (commonly referred to as "lawyers") to their house. these gremlins are equipped with LRADs and will sound the LRADs until the fan artist deletes the fan art off twitter.
Sometimes, when a copyright pig starts getting called out for what they did, depending on the copyright pig's reputation they will attract overzealous fans that will defend kabillion gazillionaire companies to their dying breath
Here are a few examples of copyright pigs:
Nintendo, Disney, BIG Games, DaFuq!?Boom!, Every single fatass that abuses youtube content ID for music they don't own
Bruh!! i just got DMCA'd by BIG Games! apparently Preston owns the concept square animals, as if Minecraft hasn't been doing that for 12 years. What a fucking copyright pig