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This is fucking bullshit. My color dosen’t defy the way a can talk. If i want to say nigga let me say it. My grand father is black, my great grandpa was also black, I’m latino being Puerto Rican, the only diferente thing is I’m just pail. That word is only a word it dosen’t have a color. Why can J. Cole say it? his momma is white. Why can Logic say it? he’s white but him bad is black. I would never want to insult anyone with it, I just say it in the way that 2pac explined. “A nigger is a black man with chains, a nigga is a black man with gold chains.” How can society do so much right over the years but still get ofended for a dumb word. It’s not like 9/11 or the resent school shotings. It has been centuries since massive slavery took practice. If I were to live in thouse times i would be consider as a “house nigga” I wouldn’t have any “white privileges” We are in 2018 people, at least don’t get offended when someone says nigga, just laugh in there face because you know the real meaning. It pisses me of so much when people tell me I can’t say it. Then they try to suport what the say by adding “If it doesn’t matter then what the necesaty.” Well I say the same thing to you my friend, if it doesn’t matter then why do you get offended? I’m not trying to insult anyone if anything I’m trying to change the meaning and how people see that word.

“If it was 1717, black daddy, white momma wouldn't change a thing
Light skin mothafucka certified as a house nigga” — Logic - everybody


by AnonimodePR March 12, 2018

9👍 6👎