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Street slang for a specific kind of low-quality crack-cocaine. It looks like popcorn, tastes like burnt popcorn, and gives the user a headache. Even fiends don’t want it.

“Yo, I’m not going to Zee again. This is the 3rd time he gave me that popcorn crap.”

by AnonyMystery69 May 4, 2022


Powdered cocaine.
Rocked up cocaine is hard, powdered cocaine is soft, get it?

Dude-“Yo, you got any of that soft??”

Dealer-“Nahh, I gotta re-up. Got plenty of hard though.”

Dude-“Ah, shit, I’m good. That shit makes fiends.”

by AnonyMystery69 May 4, 2022


Powdered cocaine.
Rocked up cocaine is hard, powdered cocaine is soft, get it?

Dude-“Yo, you got any of that soft??”

Dealer-“Nahh, I gotta re-up. Got plenty of hard though.”

Dude-“Ah, shit, I’m good. That shit makes fiends.”

by AnonyMystery69 May 4, 2022


1. An immature male

2. Street slang for crack cocaine

1. “He doesn’t even know how to do his own laundry... What a little boy...”

2. My guy didn’t have any powder tonight, so I’m stuck cuz I’m not fuckin with that boy shit.

by AnonyMystery69 May 4, 2022


1. A young female

2. Street slang for cocaine (Hard is Crack, Soft is Coke, Boys are hard, girls are soft, get it?)

1. Girls just want to have fun.

2. I’m gonna have to cook up this girl since my guy didn’t have any hard...

by AnonyMystery69 May 4, 2022