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Traditionally/originally of military origin.

Today, however, "clusterfuck" is commonly used to descriptively generalize any situation with a large scale of disarray.

possibly synonyms: mess, disaster
1. "Don't go full retard with the teargas at 6-7pm on a Sunday. When Mr and Mrs Cheung would be watching their poor little, Hugo on the news. It was a total Clusterfuck"
2. "Well, that concert was a clusterfuck."
3. "Did you see the clusterfuck of a traffic jam on Main St.?"
4. "That house party turned into a giant clusterfuck once those cops showed up!"

"Don't go full retard with the teargas at 6-7pm on a Sunday. When Mr and Mrs Cheung would be watching their poor little, Hugo on the news. It was a total Clusterfuck"

by Anonymous.hk October 3, 2014