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A Pikey is very commonly used in Gosport, located in England.
It's originally slang for a Gypsie, however many people will now use it as a term for stealing and an insult.
'Pikey' in English slang could mean a few things but ill mostly mean 'thief'

So if your halfcast, immigrant cat steals your chips you could scream "Pikey"

Pikey is also a verb, for example: "My cat pikeys my munch" translates to ~ my cat steals my food.


"Gerald you Pikey"
"Oh wow you pikey'd my chips" (Past tense)
"Seagulls pikey food"

by Anonymous1029336584 November 1, 2017

2👍 1👎


A white Nigga (Nigger) -
Often used by white people because they'll get beaten the crap out of if they say "nigga".

Blackperson1: Aye my nigga
Blackperson 2: you aight
White person who thinks they're basically a gang member: Ayyeee my wiggaaa's

by Anonymous1029336584 September 20, 2017

3👍 1👎

true love

Well it's hard to pin point it but It's when you'd do anything and everything for 1 person. And you may feel like that when you have a crush but this is what makes true love different, No matter what, you will always love them. And it's not true love if they don't love you back, true love doesn't involve 1 person. It involves 2, if they don't love you back then it's unrequited love. <-- that's something different.
Now they don't have to say they love you, they may not want to love you. But however much they try there will always be feelings there.
Literally even if you have never dated or you broke up over 3 years ago, everything they do makes you happy. If they even give signals of liking someone else, you're hurting, but you're happy.
All you want is for them to be happy and well, whether it be with or without you.
Nothing else matters when you're talking, all your problems go away, seeing them makes you feel like there's no limit, being with them feels so perfect and everything feels so natural, every feeling feels natural.
Like you feel at peace with yourself and nothing can change that.
You may even be in a relationship but, your heart belongs with them. And you hate to admit it, that's true.

But after you've experienced "True Love" then everything just makes sense, everything is just suddenly amazing and whenever you're feeling down, just thinking about them gets you to a whole new high that no drug can achieve.

And that's what true love is. I think.

Senior: "There was this boy/girl I knew back in high school... I never stopped loving that boy/girl and I still do love them. With everything I have. "
Younger: "You're in True love?"

by Anonymous1029336584 November 22, 2017

13👍 2👎