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magic the gathering

Crack captured in paper form. Actually, the original collectible trading card game, originally released in 1993, still going strong today. Made by Richard Garfield, and published by Wizards of the Coast. Two or more players duel each other using various creatures, spells, and artifacts. The object is to bring each other players life total down to 0 in order to win. This can be accomplished in many ways. It's up to you to decide how to do it. Seeing how over 40 expansion sets have been released over the years, there are almost endless possibilities.

Often ridiculed/stereotyped by chads, along with D&D, Star Wars, and World of Warcraft as the epitome of geekdom. On the contrary, it is known to be played by anyone, and most gamers I've met don't fall into the stereotypes, and in fact, do have a life, have other interests, get laid, etc. Only people with no life like to make fun of people who play games like these. Irony at it's finest.

MTG Player 1: I tap all my lands, and fireball you for 10 damage, you lose!

MTG Player 2: Aww, shit!

Random dipshit: What are you two fags doing?

MTG Player 1: Just got done playing a game of Magic, now we're gonna go hit up a kegger.

Random dipshit: Whaa!? I didn't know you nerds did anything else with your lives but play Magic the gathering

MTG Player 1: Yeah, crazy shit, huh? It's gonna be killer! beer and bitches everywhere! And the best part is everyone going is totally chill.

Random dipshit: No way! can I come?

MTG Player 1: Sorry, chads aren't allowed at this party.

by Anonymous1_2 September 10, 2009

276👍 85👎


A stereotypical douchebag asshole/jock/frat boy/ with an ego the size of the planet, who needs a swift roundhouse kick to the jaw, ala Chuck Norris style (though if actually issued by Norris, this punishment may be too extreme, even for a chad). Basically, they think they're the best at everything, love to talk shit, and are a general nuisance in every way possible.

A chad is somewhat easy to sight, as they're everywhere, but the only way to know for sure is to talk to/observe one. They typically dress in a similar manner to a "bro", though are not in fact bros. They either wear the latest fashionable clothing from big brands, or highly expensive graphic tees, most likely of the MMA (Mixed martial arts) variety. They most likely sport a tribal tattoo, or something of the like. They most commonly drive V6 Mustangs, S10 pickup trucks, or crotch rockets.

Chads can be found in large numbers at Frat houses, local hipster bars, and nu metal concerts (which are obviously real metal shows...). They often travel in groups of a few, but can be found in swarms at these establishments. Other than being cocky and talking shit, other popular pastimes of chads include, but are not limited to: beer pong, racing hondas, UFC, and blasting nu metal on their stereo because they think it makes them look like a badass.

Again, not to be confused with the bro, who may or may not share some of these characteristics, but is actually cool, and therefore, is ok to hang around with.

Dude 1: Dude, this bar is totally full of chads tonight, what gives?
Dude 2: It's $1 Bud Light Night. Don't you know? They only like light beer.
Dude 1: Meh, screw this. Let's go somewhere else and grab a pitcher of Newcastle.

by Anonymous1_2 September 10, 2009

3321👍 4387👎