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(Of an action or activity) very boring to someone not interested but is fun to someone who is.

I knit because it’s leek, but others don’t like watching me.

by Anonymous3 May 19, 2019

holy crap

A Name of a Orthodox Christian Saint...Saint Coprius (Holy Crap), Agios Kopros

Holy Crap, Intercede to God for Me!

by Anonymous3 July 3, 2006

22👍 87👎

Holy Shit

Name of a Orthodox Christian Saint, Saint Coprius of Palestine. (Agios Kopros)

The Feast-Day of "Holy Shit" is September 24th

Holy Shit, Intercede to God for Us!

by Anonymous3 July 3, 2006

8👍 24👎

Holy Shit

Name of a Orthodox Christian Saint, Saint Coprius of Palestine. (Agios Kopros)

The Feast-Day of "Holy Shit" is September 24th

Holy Shit, Intercede to God for Us!

by Anonymous3 July 3, 2006

10👍 35👎