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Twitter Stalking

When a girl (or boy or woman or man) follows someone on twitter and reads all of their tweets and views all of their pictures. That girl/boy/woman/man then subtweets about them, making it obvious that a crush has formed. The stalkee may or may not know who the stalker is, but that does not matter because other twitter users know, and that's all that matters.

Twitter Stalking is a real thing and affects real people. If you know someone who is a Twitter Stalker please tell them to grow a pair and talk to the stalkee or simply tell them to grow up and stop being so weird.

"I'm following this girl and daaaammm she is fine, if only I had the guts to talk to her...her posts are funny." (tweet by stalker)

"This guy keeps favoriting all my tweets and is being really #creepy I don't even know him #whodoesthat He's totes #Twitter Stalking" (tweet by stalkee)

by Anonymous4ever April 5, 2013

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