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One of the Gayest cartoons in Nicklelodian, wait what am i saying? All the shit on Nickleloadian is gay. But Spongebob is a Cartoon that only Stupid American kids watch, if they were any smarter they would have known that Japanese Anime is much better that the badly drawn not so funny American Cartoons they watch. Also they tend to use XD just as much as some Anime fans do, both are actually kinda annoying.

Stupid Kid 1: "hey every 1 spongebob is on!!!"
Stupid kid 2: "alriht spongebob is so funny, it the best carton ever!"

Me:"Shut the fuck up, go watch some real shit called Anime you Dumbass. Also, learn to spell while you are at it. Better yet, turn off your TV, go get a life.

Stupid kid 1 & 2: "Lol your funny" *Glomps* LOL XDDDDDDXDXDXD"

Me: "You make me ashame to be of the same spieces, no go hang yourself both of you. Need a rope?"

by AnonymousUserFlame January 28, 2005

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