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(n.) an ancient acronym historians attribute to an individual who is a beacon of masculinity; you’re unreachable standard; you’re unachievable goal; a legend of legends; a hero of heroes

Stone Tablet: JWC

Historian/Archeologist: I feel unworthy to interpret this hieroglyph…

by AnonymouslyAnonymous_NunYaBzns December 20, 2024


to DONK, DONKing

To deny so adamantly that one does it three consecutive times.

Immediately a rooster crowed and Peter remembered what he had been told,

“Before the rooster crows you will have DONKed me.”

(NUDT - The New Urban Dictionary Translation)

by AnonymouslyAnonymous_NunYaBzns October 1, 2019


The unattainable standard for mankind. A beacon of unadulterated manliness. A refined renaissance man and pursuant of the arts.

Honey, why can’t you be more like Coxville

by AnonymouslyAnonymous_NunYaBzns July 25, 2018


To kindly choose to wait for an activity, until your bro has completed the same activity first.

Hey man, can’t you see that I am MIKE-O’ing?!? I will drink my protein shake when your done...

by AnonymouslyAnonymous_NunYaBzns October 1, 2019


1. The act of fetching a doctors coffee rapidly, and without hesitation.
2. To refer to Dr. J Holmes as “daddy”.

Do me!!!! (sQUIGLEYing away)

by AnonymouslyAnonymous_NunYaBzns October 1, 2019


The act of closely standing behind another golfer in an attempt to teach them how to swing, even though that person is notably better than you at golf.

SYNONYMS: Groping; Assaulting; Poking

Hey?!?? Quit GILLISPIEing me!!! It’s not even my turn!!!

by AnonymouslyAnonymous_NunYaBzns October 1, 2019

Dr. Holmes

A well-renowned E.R. Medical Doctor by day, an adult entertainer by night. Dr. Holmes is how he is referred to in both professions.

“They call me Dr. Holmes...”

by AnonymouslyAnonymous_NunYaBzns July 25, 2018