Definition 1 : To get disciplined and punished, usually due to being 'out of line'. Used colloquially due to the strict regimentation characterised by Saddam Hussein.
Definition 2: To get falsely accused and be attacked on that pretext for the ulterior motive to gain a resource or attain an objective.
Used colloquially due to the US invading Iraq on the pretext of Saddam Hussein possessing WMD, his execution, and taking his countries oil after the US never found WMD.
Definition 1:
Mark: Wow, did you see what the drill sergeant did to Larry after he spoke back?
John: Yeah, he got Saddam Husseined.
Mark: Did you see what those FBI agents did to Larry?
John: Yeah, they said he had illegal weapons stored and destroyed his house. Turns out he never had any and was meant to testify in court regarding FBI corruption. He never ended up going.