A Jon is a secret creep who sooks alot and talks shit about EVERYONE! he will dob himself in to the police just because he's an actual shit cunt bruh
Guy 1: alright bruh you coming for a walk lad?
Guy2: aw naaaah man its way to hot and ill get chaffing
Guy 1: dude come on cunt you're being a Jon right now let's go don't be dog
Guy 2: taaaaaaaaaawwwww fiiiinnnnneeeeee only if I can chuck a piss first and btw do you have toilet Paper?
Guy 1: why u need toilet paper cunt
Guy 2: coz im taking a piss what you mean
Guy1: your a make why you need toilet paper for a piss cunt wtf
Guy2 : I need to dab after I finish pissing what you mean!!!? Grrrrr
Guy 1: what are you on about cunt dabbing your dick after a fuxking piss wtf!!
Guy2: aw fuck off im so so angry ffs cunt grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need weed and meth NOW!!!!!!!
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