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Adrian is a guy who has strong feelings. He has few friends, and he dosen't open his snaps so it looks like he has a lot of friends. Adrian is also a guy who loves bikes and motorbikes and commonly asks his friends how much other bikes cost and says that he wants to buy it. Adrian is a boy who likes to go with branded clothes to be cooler looking than others. He is also a guy who commonly uses weird and quirky phrases that many others don't use. But all in all Adrian is a happy guy who likes to be with his friends.

Commonly used phrases by people with the the name Adrian: (examples)
- Timelønn e Timelønn det.
-Tingen e at Therese...
-Ka e oddsen egentlig, eg kommar til å få en rotten pepperkake, fy faen

Common flirty phrases by boys with the name Adrian: (Example)
-Men Marie, e det digg med sommerferie egentlig?

by Anonymus21 February 11, 2020