The Trump regime reminds me of the 3rd Reich. It is the Trump Adminisreichtion...not administration.
The Trump Adminisreichtion has many similarities to the 3rd Reich.
A group of people with undying reverence and allegiance to a political/public figure.
The president's psychophants showed their support for him by raising their flags with his picture on them.
SOTHOR - anacronym for Speaker Of The House Of Representatives.
Her party won the majority in the House and she became the SOTHOR - Speaker Of The House Of Representatives.
Republicans that aren't real conservatives, but seem to be holding up Jim Crow-ism highly.
He isn't a real conservative any longer. He's a racist that we call Jim Crowpublican.
A book of lies that a person writes about themself.
President Trump just wrote a book of lies regarding his own life and it is considered to be an autolieography.
Members of Twitter that have had their accounts suspended for various Twitter offenses.
I posted something against Twitter rules...I am one of the Twiminals.
This is a new acronym that describes people like Donald Trump, Alex Trebek, Pat Sajak, Drew Carey and others that are and have been Reality TV Game Show Hosts.
It's very interesting that we currently have an RTVGSH in the White House running the country.