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They are the citizens of this world that annoy me the most. If I hear one more pothead recite statistics about tobacco vs. marijuana, I will gladly blow my fucking head off. We get it. Legalizing marijuana is your number one objective and you will spout mind-numbing information straight into my earholes until I finally join the bandwagon. At one point in our lives, none of us gave a flying fuck about drugs. The majority of people against pot today, were driven against it by the very people supporting it. NO, marijuana will not kill you. NO, it will not directly turn you to harder drugs. NO, it will not make you kill people or go insane or any of the scare tactics used in the 1920's against marijuana that I have been forced to watch ridiculous movies about because my older brother is one of you idiots. NONE of those scare tactics are correct, and the U.S. government officials were wrong in lying to the American citizens about the effects of marijuana to justify making it illegal. They should have been truthful in telling the United States that marijuana only makes you a Lazy Pretentious Asshole.

The stoners in my apartment complex won't stop blasting Bob Marley music and their bootleg copy of the movie 'Shottas'.

by AntiDouchebag October 16, 2010

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