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A so called genre of music which incorperates disgusting lyrics, "growls " of some sort, and loud boring guitar riffs.

The lyrics usually have to do with dead bodies being ripped apart, or live people being mutilated and killed for some sort of sexual thrill. For example, the bands like torsofuck, slugathor, fondlecorpse, creamface, anal cunt, cock and ball torture, circle of dead children, dying fetus, and many other emo motherfuckers that think they can make "music." The names of the bands are fucked up and weird as it is, but than they have to add some lyrics about ripping dead bodies apart and cutting their vaginas apart.

The "low metal growls" that people are calling them are not music whatsoever. It takes no talent to do those kind of noises, which sound like mixtures of burping and a demonic orgasm. In three days i could do something that soundly pretty close to some of the bands I've heard that people on the internet say are great. They aren't great, and this is a horrible type of music.

The guitars are loud and boring. Plying the same notes over and over just getting louder to show that they have talent, but they don't. Whoop dee fucking doo, i can play guitar hero, and you can play three notes on a guitar. Wow, fucking stupid retards.

Dont think that other genres like these are differet. Grindcore is similar to goregrind, pornogrind, and many others. Most genres of music with the word grind or core are not good. They are just some freaks worhshiping satan.

Gay emo ass motherfucking faggot- DUDE! listen to this grindcore band, torsofuck! they're fucking awesome, they scream so hardcore it's so cool.

normal guy with good taste in music- *listens for ten seconds, takes out headphones, slaps GEAMF across the face* THAT"S NOT FUCKING MUSIC! THAT"S BURPING AND THE GRUDGE HAVING AN ORGASM! *slaps him again and walks away*

just so you can know how fucking up this shit it, here's lyrics from torsofuck's Mutilated For Sexual Purposes

I cut off her arms and legs
Blood spills from the stumps
Ripping out her guts makes me horny
I stuck my cock in her mouth
I saw off the head and cum
Anal double fistfuck
The bitch is done

by AntiGrindCore May 10, 2010

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