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Emotional Labor

A feminist notion that emotions are somehow hard work, and that they should be financially compensated for them. Men don't seem to have a problem being nice to people, and are rightfully perplexed when women use this term.

Given the amount of emotions a normal woman has every few minutes, about virtually everything, emotional labor seems to be an oxymoron.

"Omg, Brad's such a bad manager, he doesn't recognize all the emotional labor I put in, trying to be nice to customers all the time!"

by AntiSuffragette October 11, 2018

118👍 91👎


Any activity that is done by women, that has absolutely no purpose and no positive benefit to humanity, but is defended as purposeful and beneficial by those women doing it.

Tracy co-led a woman's tree-knitting seminar, and her friend Sally had been making vagina finger-hats to protest the tampon tax.

So they were womaneering?


by AntiSuffragette July 19, 2017

7👍 6👎


A way of acting with the supreme entitlement and gender fervor endowed in someone by virtue of them having a vagina.

Katie: I heard Sarah left Jim and took all of his money, his kids, his condo, and had him banged up for being pedo-bear.

Jamie: So she acted womanfully?

Katie: Yes! Grrl power!

Beth: It's shocking that Roger is allowed out with his mates once a month when you only get a girl's night out once a week!

Linda: Don't worry, I tapped his phone, got Sarah to stalk him, maxxed out his credit card and bought myself a spa membership. He'll be doing dishes for a year. Let's go shopping!

Beth: You're handling this so womanfully!

by AntiSuffragette July 21, 2017

3👍 1👎


A useful mug who shills for pharmaceutical companies to have trillions of dollars in profit, claiming they are pro-science, while simultaneously having never read a single vaccine study.

A pro-vaxxer thinks that people who question vaccines are "killing their grandma", or "baby killers", or "science deniers", while conveniently forgetting that vaccines contain aborted fetus cells, formaldehyde, synthetic genetic material, vaccines are literally designed to harm (and thus cannot be classified as medicine), and many many people have died within hours of having a vaccine, but no-one has ever died as a direct consequence of refusing to be injected with formaldehyde.

Pro-vaxxers like to make the argument that you'd use a seatbelt in a car because it saves lives, while totally ignoring the obvious point that car makers are legally liable to make the car and seatbelt safe, whereas vaccine companies are legally exempt from making their product safe.

Pro-vaxxers simply like to feel morally superior to people that actually think for themselves, so they construct an advanced playlist of logical fallacies that they trot out to avoid being caught.

"You're an idiot" - ad hominem
"You're a science denier" - hypocrisy, appeal to science (fallacious because the science doesn't support pro-vaxxers)
"So you like killing babies?" - red herring
"You're literally a flat-earther!" - non-sequitur masquerading as an ad hominem

"Did you hear that the new Pfizer vaccine killed that doctor in Miami-Dade?"
"Nah, it was just coincidence that he had never had any major health issues, then died 24 hours after being injected. Total coincidence."
"So you're a pro-vaxxer then?"

"I wonder why pharmaceutical companies are legally exempt from making their product safe?"
"That's because it would cost too much."
"Didn't stop the car companies from being legally liable when they made that claim. Are you a pro-vaxxer?"

"Did you get your flu shot?"
"You know that in the over-50s the flu shot made you more likely to catch the same flu you were just vaccinated for?"
"You're a science denier, vaccines are SAFE! They WORK."
"So you haven't read Flannery 2020 that's listed on the CDC website? I'm guessing you're a pro-vaxxer."

by AntiSuffragette February 9, 2021

12👍 9👎