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Internet Meme

An 'Internet Meme' is a word, phrase, expression, iconic imagery or recognizable reference popularized amongst online communities such as on forums or in online games. They are annoying and usually carry a vibe of geeky-ness, which rides well with annoying people who are all about nerd culture. The most famous one being "LOL", 'Laugh-out-loud'.

In it's origins the meme was more something of simplification to make half-assed web chats easier with shortcuts. now it's evolved into stupidity, with people saying words like "Fail" out of context, or "good sir" in a derogatory sentence implying a condescending tone (geeks love to condescend) and even further south to sentence constructions such as "Adjective Pro-Noun is Adjective"

Basically the English language as we know it is screwd due to half-witted low-brow pseudo-nerds (imbeciles who manner themself like a nerd but have the brain capacity of a dangle-berry), and brain-dead tweens.

Internet Meme Examples:

"Lame meme is lame"

"you, good sir, are a douchebag... and no we are not in Camelot so why the hell am i talking like this?"

"Your skillz are Fail! noob!, even though i don't myself attempt anything or prove i can do any better, i'll call you out because you FAIL."

"LMAO ROFL your mom has a penis! LMFAO"

"chuck Norris once..."

by Antimeme August 17, 2011

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