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A creature hailing from New Orleans, usually looks like a faggot who joins the military just to get fucked in the ass.

Warforged is usually a name used by individuals whose name are Joe.




One of the biggest ass wipes you will ever have the misfortune of encountering, he has to go house-to-house in order to inform the neighbourhood that he is a paedophile. . does drugs. passes out in front of apartment buildings. is targeted by Panera rapists. a huge dickwad, and ugly as FUCKKKKKKKK

May refer to a person with a smaller than average sized penis. The smallest and worst one of a group of things.

A guy who can't sexually please a woman. Also may have a reputation for getting used by women.

A Joe is one who has detiorated with time and age and has become even worse than when they were born.

In reference to a person who is originally ugly but shocks you by getting even uglier with time and age.

1. Check out that Warforged. I wonder if he can even fit up those stairs he's so fat.

2. Wow, that Warforged sure has the smallest penis of all his friends.

3. Rachel said Warforged was lousy in bed and couldn't please her.

by AoGStorm July 15, 2012

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