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Shade7x's best friend.

Shade and Bubba like to have threesomes with his old grandmother and sometimes the dog named melfina

by Apocalypse420 August 10, 2003

2👍 22👎


Someone who picks shit out of his/her ass.

Shade7x is a shitpicker.

by Apocalypse420 August 12, 2003

2👍 3👎


The mis-typed word "Idiot"

If you missed typed this word, you're an idiot.

by Apocalypse420 August 12, 2003

301👍 64👎


Some random person on 404 that is an nazi OP :P

MillencolinDude gaged me to death!

MillencolinDude is God's best friend on 404.

by Apocalypse420 September 16, 2003

2👍 3👎

crappy joke

See Shade7x

Shade7x is a real crappy joke!

by Apocalypse420 August 29, 2003

3👍 6👎