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When a punny joke is made, and another then follows it, usually lamer than the first. Normally occurs in multitudes

Like a baby joey that hops out of its mother's pouch, it's just not as impressive...

Joey-Joker: That tree is in-tree-ging!
Innocent Listener: hahaha
Joey-Joker: Yeah, I'm branching out on my jokes...
Innocent Listener: Ha...ummm
Joey-Joker: I'm not going to leaf this alone...
Innocent Listener: .........
Joey-Joker: I'm serious...don't soil my jokes.....
Innocent Listener:
Joey-Joker: They like root beer
Joey-Joker: But it's beer-ied...
- (Innocent Listener has left)
Joey-Joker: Maybe I'll be grounded for these jokes...
- (There is no one else around)

by AppleLuvR November 22, 2010

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