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Arcadia High School

An amazing, wonderful and intellectually stimulating public high school located in Arcadia, CA -- seventeen miles east of Los Angeles. If you don't mind a school overrun with smart people who may or not be of Asian descent, Arcadia High is for you!

Arcadia boasts more APs per person than any other school with a similar suicide rate. Also, it's teaching staff is unparalleled (except in the science department!)

Arcadia High is best known for its truly amazing and unparalleled Constitution Team (also known as Government or "Gov" Team) which is composed of 30 of the smartest, most amazingly fun, beautiful, and charming seniors in the whole school. This year, Gov Team won first at state, beating out their chief rival, the snooty Amador Valley High School by a landslide. Now they are going off to Nationals, where they hope to pwn East High as well.

Arcadia High also boasts many other impressive student groups and teams, among them the Speech and Debate Team and the Science Bowl Team. It also is ashamed to admit that its football games are only attended by people who wish to see the band perform.

In conclusion, Arcadia High is the best high school ever. It has academic rigor, student excellence, and lots of fun activities. Let's all go to Arcadia High School!

Arcadia High School is a wonderful school located 17 miles east of Los Angeles.

Arcadia High School has a low suicide rate thanks to that letter the counselors send out about the dangers of excessive AP classes!

Arcadia High School's Gov Team is clearly the best in West (at least)! Suck it, Amador!

Arcadia High School is not very good at football.

I love Arcadia High School!

by ArcadiaHighGirl March 13, 2010

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