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A Noa is the best person you'll ever meet. She's always know how to make you laugh when you start to spiral. She will piss you off, there's no doubt about it, but the truth is you couldn't live with out her. She's that person that when they don't come to school, you still look for in the hall. She the person you know that no matter what fight you're in or how mad you are at one and other will still stand by your side in the end. She a genius and works so fucking hard and though no one will admit it they al know that one day shell be your boss. A Noa will all aways put you in your place when you cross the line and will stand by your side when you start to fall and will be right there to pick you back up. She loves art and it so good at it, like how has no one noticed that she's so talented. She always wake sup early, even when she doesn't have too. She the best listener, shell listen to you when you need to ramble about a crappy movie or a book, shell even stay up till 11:00 at night just to help you learn your lines for a play. But the one thing that will drive you crazy is that no matter how many times you tell her she beautiful and the best friend I could ask for, she still won't believe you and that will drive you mad. She loves her family so when she makes you apart of that family, you have become the luckiest person there. But in the end there is no one that you would rather go to the movies with, or spend hours on end FaceTiming. If you find a Noa don't ever let her go

“Who’s that!?”
“Oh! That’s noa”

by Art33mis July 24, 2021

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