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Thomas Sanders

A beautiful being who must be protected at all times. He's a YouTuber and a HUGE theater nerd, but who doesn't love theater. Thomas is the king of Disney (his voice is like a thousand angels).
He also shares the spotlight with his different personalities:
Morality, Logic, Princey, and Anxiety, but I think we all know who we love most.
Princey: ME!
Me: Princey!
Princey: Okay, I'll go *disappears*
As I was saying, we, the Fanders, all love Thomas Sanders the most! He's our bright bundle of sunshine that we shall cherish for the rest of or lives!

Fander #1: Hey! Have you seen Thomas Sanders' new video?
Fander #2: You mean the Real Anime vs Fake Anime one? Yeah!
Fander #1: Isn't it amazing? Thomas is such a funny guy.
Me: *appears* I KNOW RIGHT!!
Fanders #1&2: JESUS-

by Artist_Luvs April 3, 2017

389👍 22👎