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This is the infamous F-word. the first swear word anyone learns. it is the most versatile word in the english language, with most of its definitions not within the english language. it can be used any way you like, insert it in between any word, sentence, letter. it probably fits. the definitions below are some common usages and phrases.

1. v. to have sex
2. n. the act of having sex
3. adj. with suffix -ed. general derogatory meaning
4. a general insult
5. n. attention or care of (usually lack thereof)
6. v. to disregard, ignore (used with -it, -that)
7. v. to mess up, destroy, mangle, etc. (used with suffix -up)
8. exclaimation of emotion
9. derogatory dismissal
10. expression of confusion
11. very, extremely
12. n. a person you don't like
13. bother, agitate
14. v. to be in distress

1. i like to fuck.
2. that was a good fuck.
3. he is fucked.
4. fuck you.
5. i don't give a fuck.
6. fuck that.
7. he fucked up the car really badly.
8. oh, fuck!
9. fuck off.
10. what the fuck?
11. that was fucking amazing.
12. he's a fucker.
13. are you trying to fuck with me?
14. I'm fucked.

by Asdf May 14, 2003

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Ima Doofus

See 'Jesus Christ'

Holy fucking Moses! It's Ima Doofus! I think we ought to give him money.

by Asdf December 13, 2003

5πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


person who makes fun of or insults someone for no good reason

by Asdf May 19, 2003

5πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


some one who makes fun or is mean to a person for no good reason

your a bagger

by Asdf May 19, 2003

3πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


A website for young Russian and European people in Chicago who want to meet new people or just a new way of communication with friends

See you on the VUE!

by Asdf June 15, 2004

17πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


a Canadian family name

"The loranger's were proud Canadian mounties"

by Asdf December 31, 2005

8πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


I 48 yer old rapper who called out Shady Records and lost all of his dignitiy

by Asdf May 29, 2003

442πŸ‘ 129πŸ‘Ž