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Mexican Spanish slang for Snot and Argentine Spanish slang for Cum

Puto 1:Acaba de moquear en mi nena

Puto 2: Ah mi no me importa jaja
Second Usage (Mexican Slang)
Nino 1:Jaja te salió un moqo de la nariz


by AshTray1 June 30, 2019

Thats Tuff

A saying you reply with when you really don’t care about the conversation you’re participating in. Can also be used when something or someone is going through some hard times (just say you mean it)

Female: Omg you’re so cute!
Male:Uh thanks I guess
Female:I got a boyfriend tho, but you can wait until we’re over?
Male:Damn thats tuff

by AshTray1 June 8, 2019

7👍 9👎


When something or someone looks attractive or Good.

Guy 1: Aye wasup foo
Guy 2: Oh my Boi is clean! You go shopping yesterday or sum?
Guy 1: Ye, I wasted half my paycheck on clothes n shit yesterday

by AshTray1 June 8, 2019

64👍 9👎