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In gaming -- particularly the shooter genre -- a player with no skill, who plays by lying on their stomach and hiding in the grass, hoping for an unsuspecting enemy to wander past, and preferably remain still for the 10 seconds it takes these tragic talentless players to line up a headshot.

Sneks adopt the Crawling Under Nearby Trees strategy, a subset of the Tactical Warfare Avoidance Technique, and don't care about improving at the game or having fun. They just want to stay alive as long as possible and maybe steal an easy kill, so they can boast to their friends about their rank.

"Why is that noob lying down? Oh, it's just a snek"
"Look at that long grass...watch out for noobly sneks"
"Only 99/100 players left alive! Everyone will be snekking by now"
"I knew I could never win, so I just snekked for one cheap kill"

by AshleighHatesSneks February 2, 2018

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