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The perfect woman for you if you have no respect for yourself nor bank account. Are you into curvy girls? Well this one breaks the borders so she's a double win with a double chin! Live overseas and looking for a bride-to-be? If you can offer her secure residency in your country with the bonus of free travel, accomodation, food.... she's yours! Looking for a roommate? She'll couch surf and you'll be cleaning up for days; a wonderful opportunity if you have OCD! Need a therapist? She'll tell you how your every personality trait is simply a trauma response and it's okay if you suffer from depression because you'll grow up and get over it in no time! If you're lucky, you might end up being just as emotionally strong and independent as she is! A member of the LGBTQ+ community? She'll have your full support as your favourite Super Straight ally! Non-binary? She'll tell you you're not. Bisexual and specifically female? She'll tell you that you're probably not, but there could be a small chance that you are if your birth chart reads well!

Overall, a Vicky is definitely one of a kind.
If you have one, make sure you hold on to her.
If you don't, she'll only run off with thousands of pounds worth of your belongings and leave you in hundreds of thousands of debt. She might even try to be a bit mean to you to top it off. Bless her though. At least she tries.

"Wow, I cannot believe I got myself a Vicky. My house is messier than ever before and I have no money left but she sure is amazing"

by Asianpersuasionnation March 17, 2022