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OMCC (Oh My Ceiling Cat)

A term used by those 2 out of 3 lol cats that believe in Ceiling Cat and do not believe in Christianity's "God", therefore they do not use the term "OMG" a.k.a "Oh My God".

"OMCCWTFBBQ! A Capshun!" said the lol cat on icanhascheezburger.com

"OMCC (Oh My Ceiling Cat) thats one funny lol cat"

by Assassin Phone Inc. June 13, 2008

18👍 8👎


Another new product from Apple, the iRan are a set of shoes that hace built in speakers, so you can plug in your iPod to your new kicks, and blast your favorite music while you jog.

"Dude, did you hear about that new Apple product, the iRan?"
"Yeah, its totally worthless..."

by Assassin Phone Inc. June 14, 2008

39👍 108👎


Another new product from Apple, the iRan are a set of shoes that hace built in speakers, so you can plug in your iPod to your new kicks, and blast your favorite music while you jog.

"Dude, did you hear about that new Apple product, the iRan?"
"Yeah, its totally worthless..."

by Assassin Phone Inc. June 13, 2008

19👍 100👎


A new product from Apple, it is a sports bra that has a iPod holder so that women no longer have to strap it to their arm.

"You want to go jogging today?"
"Sure, just let me change into my iRaq."

by Assassin Phone Inc. June 14, 2008

103👍 32👎


A new product from Apple, it is a sports bra that has a iPod holder so that women so longer have to strap it to their arm.

"You want to go jogging today?"
"Sure, just let me change into my iRaq."

by Assassin Phone Inc. June 13, 2008

26👍 14👎

Sweeny Todd

(verb) To kill somone with a straight razor via the jugular vein.

Im about to go Sweeny Todd on your ass if you ask me again!

by Assassin Phone Inc. April 7, 2008

62👍 18👎


(verb); (1)To be thrown out of a window by the hand of God.
The word coming from the word defenestrate-To be thrown out of a window, and stigmata-marks resembling the wounds of the crucified body of Christ, said to be impressed on the bodies of certain persons, esp. nuns, tertiaries, and monastics by God

The cause of Murto was defenestrata.

The anti-christ was defenestrata(ed) by the archangel.

by Assassin Phone Inc. April 3, 2008

4👍 9👎