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Ashlyn is a fat whore who has no idea what’s going on 99.9% of the time. Has dislexia and doesn’t know how to spell it. Is 100% blonde, white and ugly. Is poor, but wants to be rich, but will never actually get there. Lives her life proudly as a stripper, living in a box on the side of the street. Has 3 dogs and 2 cats and a fish and they all get along together greatly. Is a lightweight and gets wasted off of cough syrup. Is not a bad bitch and never will be, instead she thrives off of stuffed animals as being her only friends and sniffing flowers. Thinks she’s quirky by following trends, but in reality she’s just fat and ugly and no one will ever like her, except her imaginary friends named Jerald and Timmy. Has been in 14 middle school relationships, and uses Emoji’s like “😍😍”. Says phrases like “single like a Pringle” and “daddy”, but doesn’t actually have a mans. In conclusion an Ashlyn is quirky white trash. Who am I kidding she is just white trash

“ Hey did you see Ashlyn in her box on the side of the road.”
“I saw Ashlyn arguing with herself on the bus yesterday”
“Ashlyn posted an awful selfie on Instagram today, wanna see?”

by Asshhole April 15, 2020

6👍 24👎