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Clank Stairs

stairs that make a serious clank when you step on them. I mean a serious clank

"jesus these clank stairs"

by Astupidwhiteboy September 28, 2017


A homomosexual on rollerskates

Do you see that rollaids?

by Astupidwhiteboy September 25, 2017

9👍 1👎

A one night stand

1. The most common way to get AIDS/HIV. This is generally referred to as a booty call and involves Pitbull the rapper.

2. Shooting a ton of stupid no brain idiots in one night (generally used as zombies)

"I @#$@ Beyonce last night"
"Isn't that a one night stand?"

by Astupidwhiteboy September 25, 2017

20👍 38👎