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1. To "tell" or "serve" someone/if you got something right, and prove someone wrong, you say it.
Example: BUYA! I told you the answer to #4 was 234!

2. When what you have to offer, etc., is better than another persons/when you or your possesions is better than someone else's.
Person 1: I got FIVE computers!
Person 2: Guess how many I have?
Person 1: 2?
PErson 2: NO! 14...BUYA!!!

Person 1: 2+2=5.
Person 2: NO! It's 4.
P. 1: Show me.
P.2 (counts on his fingers and shows the person)
When P.2 realizes that 1 understands,
Person 1: BUYA!!!!!!!! I was right!!!!!!!!

by AtTheRightWordAtTheRightTime May 8, 2006

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