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A very confused child that for protection follows the crowd. But deeply in it's heart he knows his futbol team is America. Being scared of rejection cheers for the teams he thinks the crowd consider cool. With low self steem looks for an alpha female that's cheers for America that will help for his transition from closet fan to full proud representative for the futbol team America

Hi my name is Jose, Jose Yoyo and I cheer for America futbol team

by AtomTheGiant April 11, 2019

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(1) A very confused boy that for protection follows the crowd.
(2) Uses Pachuca fútbol club as a shield to hide his true feelings the Champion team America
(3) Seeks Alpha females that cheer for America so that she can get help with the low self steem and transition to this great team, thus this transforming from America closet fan to full America proud fan.
(4) His motto is "It's all mental"

Hi my name is Jose, Jose Yoyo. And I cheer for America futbol team

by AtomTheGiant April 11, 2019