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Art is a expression of emotion and is central to the devolpment of human culture. There are many types and styles of art and some notable artists are Van Gogh and Lil' Pump

-At a little-league baseball game-
Horrible Dad 1: I am truely an art fanatic after my son Jimmy made a wonderous piece of art at school today
Horrible Dad 2: Wow! What was it of?
Horrible Dad 1: I don't know, looks like a brontosaurus mixed with a convertable limo, bu thats beside the point
Horrible Dad 1: I Framed the painting and put it in the living room and every visitor absolutly adores it!
Horrible Dad 2: I have a Andy Warhol in my dining room worth $2250000, nobody even recognizes it.
Horrible Dad 2: I will sell you my entire Andy Warhol colection to you for Jimmy's painting
Horrible Dad 1: Deal!

-And that's how Bill Gates became a world-class art collector-

by Auroean December 18, 2018

Glass vase

A vase carefully made by an artist, usually made or glass, but sometimes it can be made out of dog food or rhinocerous earfluff, all depends on whta you have at hand.

Wife: I bought a bouqet of flower, do we have a glass vase?
Husband: Yeah, I bought a glass vase two months ago, I got a good deal on it too, don't break it.

by Auroean December 18, 2018