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What the Fuck!, What!, Yes!, Lets do it!, im Phyched! Used as an exclemation generaly of excitement or anger.

person 1- lets party
Person 2- Woofk!

Person 1- you want to fight mate!?
Person 2- Woofk cunt!

by Ausrider November 2, 2007


The act or process of becoming drunk. To drink with the intention of becoming drunk or intoxicated. To continue drinking once already intoxicated.

Person 1 opens bottle of Tequila
Person 2 alright! lets begin Drunkening.

Person 1 we havent had a drink in a while.
Person 2 yeah it is about time we had another Drunkening.

Person 1 Are you drunk yet?
Person 2 Yeah bit i still have a fair bit of Drunkening to go.

by Ausrider November 6, 2007

8👍 2👎