Mineplex is the worlds largests and most popular Minecraft server, it consists 300-400 professional and mature staff members. The mineplex community is full of players from the age 5 to the age of 30, The staff team is very lenient on chat punishments and doesn't Perma ban for anything but movement hacks. The community of full of kids, teenagers and adults all with some sort of a opinion, some of these players can't/don't display there opinion in a un harmful way and it causes them to be punished. The mineplex community acceptes all opinions if they are displayed in a way they are not directly harming anyone. Sadly a lot of people don't get this. The mineplex statff team are extremely mature and professional and know how to have a good laugh, one of the largest, well organized and helpful staff team in MineCraft.
"woah, see that mineplex staff member over there? He helped me get my legemd bonus! Thank god for the helpful mod.
170👍 469👎