The second of the final bosses of the internet boredom game. Three more to go, then you can get a wank, you dirty, ultra-mega-super-boooooored human!
You already went qlapwksoejdirhfutgy, so try a bit harder (hehe). :)
Person 1: "I am so bored, I already tried asdfghjkl, mnbvcxzasdfghjklpoiuytreq, 1qay2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb6zhn7ujm8ik,9ol.0p and much, much more. But it doesn't help! :'("
Person 2: "Hmm. I don't understand. I can't speak bored keypresses."
*Person 3 bombs through the door*
Person 3: "Y' tried palqwksoidjerhfuygt?"
Person 1: "OMG thanks!"
Person 2: "I have to pee."
Are you seriously THAT bored??
Close your eyes, take a deep breath or two.
Then think about what you have to do now...
And if you (probably) have nothing to do, listen to some music or even take a short nap if the time fits.
Person 1: I am so bored, qawsedzrfxtgcyhvujbiknolmp.
Person 2: Come here, I give you some metalcore.
Wow. Why do you do this. It's just Windows backwards.
Please turn off your pc/phone and take a deeep breath as you're bored as hell.
Person 1: "I always wondered what 'Windows' is spelled backwards."
Some random person: "It's 'swodniW'."
Person 1: "Oh, thank you!"
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