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Movement of the crank out of stock specifications. All cranks have L to R movement, to some extent, but an excessive lateral crank movement has bad reprocussions, such as hitting/grinding/destroying the crank sensor. A "walking" crank necessitates an engine rebuild.

Any car can crankwalk, but Mitsubishi Eclipses, Plymouth Lasers, and Eagle Talons with a 7-bolt motor are notorious for this problem. No recall was ever released as the problem was said to be isolated to a bad batch of cranks, which represented a fraction of the produced cars. Various theories of why crankwalk occurs and what years are most suseptible exist, but none are proven. General consenus is poor oil flow is one cause, and later model years seem to suffer less.

Contrary to popular opinion, any car can crankwalk; Manual, auto, import, domestic, turbo, manual, racecar, beater. All have walked, and all have a chance of walking.

My dsm crankwalked on me, but thankfully my dsm has broken down often enough to make me a real mechanic.

by Awdhooptie April 10, 2005

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