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Placebo means bullshit

Eddie: Do you know what these are? They’re gazebos (placebos). THEY’RE BULLSHIT!

by AyoThePizzaHere June 18, 2021



Blonde Girl: Your medication, they’re placebos
Eddie: What’s gazebo (Placebo) mean?
Blonde girl: Placebo means bullshit.

by AyoThePizzaHere June 18, 2021



Blonde Girl: Your medication, they’re placebos
Eddie: What’s gazebo (Placebo) mean?
Blonde girl: Placebo means bullshit.

by AyoThePizzaHere June 18, 2021


Gacha is a “game” run by a pedophilia allegations man named Luni who likes to sexualize underage girls.

Person 1: Hey do you like my new avatar in gacha?
Person 2: Get away from me as far as possible

by AyoThePizzaHere May 16, 2021


Woman repellent on a screen!

Woman: So what are you interested in?
Guy: I like anime!
Woman: ew tf

by AyoThePizzaHere January 7, 2022


A game that only 8-12 year old kids play.
They fortnite player creatures usually spend their mother’s credit cards on the online currency called “V-Bucks” to buy skins that they don’t need. They also refuse to take showers and beg to their moms to buy the battle pass.

Person 1: “Just got done playing fortnite babe”
Girl 1: “Why do I date you anymore? You spend 15 hours a day on this stupid game, you barely even talk to me. We’re Over!”

by AyoThePizzaHere April 25, 2021


Fortnite is a game we’re kids 8-12 years olds spend their moms credits cards on skins because they have no concept of money.

It is also a game that people won’t shut the fuck up about at my school.

Girl: “Hey wanna hang out?”
Guy: “nO i’M pLaYiNg FoRtNiTe!”

by AyoThePizzaHere April 25, 2021