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Greatest villain ever, took on Yoda in single combat and won, turned Luke Skywalker into a whining screaming bitch, nearly wiped out the entire rebellion, came back to life using clones at least 3 times, Subjugated an entire galaxy by himself, enslaved all the wookiees (yes, thats spelled right) and could show up Hitler, Mussolini, Yamamoto, and Stalin up in any game of risk even if they all teamed up and took George's advice on how to assfuck the world. Our president's role model and mine as well --definately a BAMF
Kim Jong Il should take some notes
(also makes an appearance on Robot Chiken)

world leaders,"hey! wtf! why are there star detroyers in orbit and Stormtroopers trashing out cities!"

any sober person," aww fuck! Palpatine sent his BAMF general Samuel L Jackson to kick our monkey asses!"

misguided and uninformed,"why dont we just fight back?"

the sober,"psshhh why dont you bend over and hand your new emperor the lube"

by Aztarael July 17, 2006

49👍 23👎